Kioto, lobiak eta estatubatuar eredua
Londresen nabil zubi-segidaren oparraldia pasatzen. Giroa hotza, euria tarteka eta hiri handien zurrunbilo etengabea. Batetik bestera joateko, lurrazpiko bidaia luzeak. Metroa gainezka, ezin eseri, ezin leitu, nahiz eta batzuk habilitate ederra erakutsi irakurtzeko zutik, sardinen moduan joanda, jendearen presiopean. Hiri handia gero, gauza ikusgarriak gozatzeko, jende-aldra deigarriekin harritzeko,nahi den hori aurkitzeko edo erosteko, egun batzuk pasatzeko ez ordea bertan bizitzeko. Errukia damaidate egun bat joan eta bestea etorri, etxetik lanera eta lanetik etxera bizitza erdia lurpean pasa behar duten horiek guztiek. Gerok txoko politak, Natural Science Museum, Tate Galery, British Museum edo antzekoak baino ez ditugu gogoan; ahaztu egiten zaigu hiriaren atzekaldea, ezkutua, zikina, ez horren kosmopolita. Ez da zentrotik asko urrundu behar, Dockslands Light Railway hartzea eta London Tower tradizionaletik Canary Wharf city modernista eta eder berrira joatea baino ez da egin behar. Bidean izango duzu ikusgai.
Atzoko The Guardianek ekarri zuen berria. Greenpeacek lortutako dokumentu batzuk diotenez Kiotoko protokoloa betetzeko Europako Batasunak duen politika irmoa okerrarezteko estatubatuar eredua esportatu nahi dute. Petrolio-konpainiek finantzatutako lobi sendoa eratu eta horrek Europako gobernuei presioa egitea hartutako erabakietan atzera egiteko eta Kiotoko protokoloarekin dagoen konpromiso irmoa leuntzeko. Estatu Batuetan sistemak funtzionatu egin zuen. Lobiak Klimari Buruzko Zentzuzko Politika Europarrerako Koalizioa izena izango luke. Greenpeacek joan den urtarrilean idatziko e-postako mezu bat eta powerpoint aurkezpen bat atzeman ditu eta hortik azaleratu da auzia.
Kezkatzekoa bada, harritzekoa ez bada ere. Jakina da AEBk munduko energia kontsumitzailerik handiena direla eta bertako administrazio errepublikarrak ez duela Kioto babesten, besteak beste petrolio-konpainiek finantzatu dituztelako Bushen kanpainak. Berotze globala eta aldaketa klimatikoa ere zalantzatan jartzen dute eta horren besterako ez dela aldarrikatzen dute. Zientzialari batzuk ere ikuspegi hori dute. Estatubatuar lobien lana bi norabideetan joan da. Batetik, politikoak 'erosi' dituzte eta, bestetik, iritzi publikoa landu dute aldaketa klimatikoa ez dela gertatzen ari dioten informazio 'zientifikoaren' bidez. Erne beraz!
The Guardianen informazioa segidan.
Oil industry targets EU climate policy
· US lobby seeks to derail Kyoto measures
· Documents show plan to sway post-2012 agenda
David Adam in Montreal
Thursday December 8, 2005
The Guardian
Lobbyists funded by the US oil industry have launched a campaign in Europe aimed at derailing efforts to tackle greenhouse gas pollution and climate change.
Documents obtained by Greenpeace and seen by the Guardian reveal a systematic plan to persuade European business, politicians and the media that the EU should abandon its commitments under the Kyoto protocol, the international agreement that aims to reduce emissions that lead to global warming. The disclosure comes as United Nations climate change talks in Montreal on the future of Kyoto, the first phase of which expires in 2012, enter a critical phase.
The documents, an email and a PowerPoint presentation, describe efforts to establish a European coalition to "challenge the course of the EU's post-2012 agenda". They were written by Chris Horner, a Washington DC lawyer and senior fellow at the rightwing thinktank, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which has received more than $1.3m (£750,000) funding from the US oil giant Exxon Mobil. Mr Horner also acts for the Cooler Heads Coalition, a group set up "to dispel the myth of global warming".
The PowerPoint document sets out plans to establish a group called the European Sound Climate Policy Coalition. It says: "In the US an informal coalition has helped successfully to avert adoption of a Kyoto-style program. This model should be emulated, as appropriate, to guide similar efforts in Europe."
During the 1990s US oil companies and other corporations funded a group called the Global Climate Coalition, which emphasised uncertainties in climate science and disputed the need to take action. It was disbanded when President Bush pulled the US out of the Kyoto process. Its website now says: "The industry voice on climate change has served its purpose by contributing to a new national approach to global warming."
In January Sir Robert May, the former government chief scientist who stepped down as president of the Royal Society last week, warned in the Guardian that US lobby groups with links to the oil industry were turning their attention to the other side of the Atlantic. He wrote that a "lobby of professional sceptics who opposed action to tackle climate change" were targeting Britain because of its high profile in the debate.
Countries signed up to the Kyoto process have legal commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Oil and energy companies would be affected by these cuts because burning their products produce most emissions.
The PowerPoint document written by Mr Horner appears to be aimed at getting RWE, the German utility company, to join a European coalition of companies to act against Kyoto.
The document says: "The current political realities in Brussels open a window of opportunity to challenge the course of the EU's post-2012 agenda." It adds: "Brussels must openly acknowledge and address them willingly or through third party pressure."
It says industry associations are the "wrong way to do this" but suggests that a cross-industry coalition, of up to six companies each paying €10,000 (£6,700), could "counter the commission's Kyoto agenda". Such a coalition could help steer debate, it says, by targeting journalists and bloggers, as well as attending environmental group events to "share information on opposing viewpoints and tactics".
RWE says it met Mr Horner earlier this year but that they have not taken the idea forward.
In the email, dated January 28 this year, Mr Horner describes Europe as an "opportunity". He says it "would be like Neil Armstrong, it's a developing untapped frontier". He adds: "US companies need someone they can trust, and it's just a den of thieves over there."
posted by Inaki at
10:31 AM
Atzoko The Guardianek ekarri zuen berria. Greenpeacek lortutako dokumentu batzuk diotenez Kiotoko protokoloa betetzeko Europako Batasunak duen politika irmoa okerrarezteko estatubatuar eredua esportatu nahi dute. Petrolio-konpainiek finantzatutako lobi sendoa eratu eta horrek Europako gobernuei presioa egitea hartutako erabakietan atzera egiteko eta Kiotoko protokoloarekin dagoen konpromiso irmoa leuntzeko. Estatu Batuetan sistemak funtzionatu egin zuen. Lobiak Klimari Buruzko Zentzuzko Politika Europarrerako Koalizioa izena izango luke. Greenpeacek joan den urtarrilean idatziko e-postako mezu bat eta powerpoint aurkezpen bat atzeman ditu eta hortik azaleratu da auzia.
Kezkatzekoa bada, harritzekoa ez bada ere. Jakina da AEBk munduko energia kontsumitzailerik handiena direla eta bertako administrazio errepublikarrak ez duela Kioto babesten, besteak beste petrolio-konpainiek finantzatu dituztelako Bushen kanpainak. Berotze globala eta aldaketa klimatikoa ere zalantzatan jartzen dute eta horren besterako ez dela aldarrikatzen dute. Zientzialari batzuk ere ikuspegi hori dute. Estatubatuar lobien lana bi norabideetan joan da. Batetik, politikoak 'erosi' dituzte eta, bestetik, iritzi publikoa landu dute aldaketa klimatikoa ez dela gertatzen ari dioten informazio 'zientifikoaren' bidez. Erne beraz!
The Guardianen informazioa segidan.
Oil industry targets EU climate policy
· US lobby seeks to derail Kyoto measures
· Documents show plan to sway post-2012 agenda
David Adam in Montreal
Thursday December 8, 2005
The Guardian
Lobbyists funded by the US oil industry have launched a campaign in Europe aimed at derailing efforts to tackle greenhouse gas pollution and climate change.
Documents obtained by Greenpeace and seen by the Guardian reveal a systematic plan to persuade European business, politicians and the media that the EU should abandon its commitments under the Kyoto protocol, the international agreement that aims to reduce emissions that lead to global warming. The disclosure comes as United Nations climate change talks in Montreal on the future of Kyoto, the first phase of which expires in 2012, enter a critical phase.
The documents, an email and a PowerPoint presentation, describe efforts to establish a European coalition to "challenge the course of the EU's post-2012 agenda". They were written by Chris Horner, a Washington DC lawyer and senior fellow at the rightwing thinktank, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which has received more than $1.3m (£750,000) funding from the US oil giant Exxon Mobil. Mr Horner also acts for the Cooler Heads Coalition, a group set up "to dispel the myth of global warming".
The PowerPoint document sets out plans to establish a group called the European Sound Climate Policy Coalition. It says: "In the US an informal coalition has helped successfully to avert adoption of a Kyoto-style program. This model should be emulated, as appropriate, to guide similar efforts in Europe."
During the 1990s US oil companies and other corporations funded a group called the Global Climate Coalition, which emphasised uncertainties in climate science and disputed the need to take action. It was disbanded when President Bush pulled the US out of the Kyoto process. Its website now says: "The industry voice on climate change has served its purpose by contributing to a new national approach to global warming."
In January Sir Robert May, the former government chief scientist who stepped down as president of the Royal Society last week, warned in the Guardian that US lobby groups with links to the oil industry were turning their attention to the other side of the Atlantic. He wrote that a "lobby of professional sceptics who opposed action to tackle climate change" were targeting Britain because of its high profile in the debate.
Countries signed up to the Kyoto process have legal commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Oil and energy companies would be affected by these cuts because burning their products produce most emissions.
The PowerPoint document written by Mr Horner appears to be aimed at getting RWE, the German utility company, to join a European coalition of companies to act against Kyoto.
The document says: "The current political realities in Brussels open a window of opportunity to challenge the course of the EU's post-2012 agenda." It adds: "Brussels must openly acknowledge and address them willingly or through third party pressure."
It says industry associations are the "wrong way to do this" but suggests that a cross-industry coalition, of up to six companies each paying €10,000 (£6,700), could "counter the commission's Kyoto agenda". Such a coalition could help steer debate, it says, by targeting journalists and bloggers, as well as attending environmental group events to "share information on opposing viewpoints and tactics".
RWE says it met Mr Horner earlier this year but that they have not taken the idea forward.
In the email, dated January 28 this year, Mr Horner describes Europe as an "opportunity". He says it "would be like Neil Armstrong, it's a developing untapped frontier". He adds: "US companies need someone they can trust, and it's just a den of thieves over there."

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